UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (2024)

  • What are the rules to Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (1)

    The fundamental rules of Uno are easy to grasp, which makes this game so popular. Here,we explain all the official rules and possible modifications of theUno rules.

    Check out our Uno quick start guide here below to learn the rules fast. Please save it to your phone, download it or print it.

    Or, if you prefer, you can download our Uno Rules PDF, which contains the official rules of Uno as they come in the package. The difference is that we added some color, added some bullet points to the text to make it easy to read, and added pictures. It’s the Original Uno Rules in a version more pleasing to the eye!

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (2)
  • What are the house rules in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (3)

    The house rules in Uno are the rules that you and your fellow player agree upon and are a modification of the official rules. This means that the house rules will vary between houses.

    If you ask us, this is one of the best things about Uno. Through the house rules, the game can be made suitable for the players playing. It can be made even easier if you have younger kids or more advanced if you play with older players.

    While some might find it confusing we think it is one of the things that makes Uno so popular.

  • Can you play Uno with regular playing cards?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (4)

    Absolutely! As a matter of fact, it’s pretty easy, as our illustration below shows. You can change it however you want, but we recommend the following set-up since it follows “the strength” of the cards in Uno and the regular playing card deck. Except for the Joker.

    You might also want to check out our article about the game called Crazy Eights which is the predecessor of Uno and which is played with one or two deck of cards.

    Did you know that Uno is based on a game played with regular playing cards called Crazy Eights?

    Please feel free to save and share the image so that more people can play Uno with regular cards!

    • Number cards = Number cards (surprise, surprise)
    • The Joker = Skip Card or the Stop Card
    • The Jack = Skip Card or the Stop Card
    • Queen = Pick up cards
    • King = Change suits
    • Ace = Wild Card 4 Draw

    Just remember that the Uno deck contains more cards, so you might want to use two card stacks. Each type of card’s ratios might also be a bit different since there are only two or three Jokers in the deck. Another aspect is that you won’t have any zeros and ones as well.

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (5)

    Our opinion: Let the Jokers be yourleastfavourite card that is not a number card.Why? You might ask.

    The reasoning:Since we love how the Wild Cards in Uno adds another layer of excitement to the game, we want to have as many as possible of them. We also don’t want to complicate things, so we keep the number cards as they are. That leaves us with the other specialty Uno cards. The Skip Card or Stop cards are the least exciting of these, and since we have the fewest Jokers, we maximize the excitement by allowing the Joker to represent these cards.

    Staff note: When writing this answer we realised what Uno-geeks we are!

  • What is the meaning of "draw"?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (6)

    In Uno, the meaning of draw is that you need to pick up one or more cards from the Draw pile. This often happens when:

    • You can’t or don’t want to play a card.
    • Your opponent plays a Draw 2 card or a Wild Draw 4 Card.
    • You forget to announce Uno when you have one card left and an opponent points that out.
    • You get caught playing the Wild Draw 4 Card when you are not allowed. ( You can only play the Wild Draw 4 Card if youdon’t havea card that matches the color of the previously played card).
  • What is the point of Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (7)

    The cheeky answer:The point of Uno is to have fun. ?The real answer:To be the first player to use up all your cards. In other words, you win the round if you are the player that is the first one not to have any cards left.

    If you play several games and keep score the point of Uno is to reach 500 points (or any other limit you choose). When you win a round your score is the sum of the value of the cards of your opponents (you count the cards they have left). You can count the cards however you want but the“official”way and the most common way is:

    • All number cards (0-9) = Face value
    • Draw 2 = 20 points
    • Reverse = 20 points
    • Skip = 20 points
    • Wild = 50 points
    • Wild Draw 4 = 50 points

    You can also reverse the scoring process where the player with the least points wins as soon as a player reaches 500 points.

  • Can you play Uno with 2 players and how do you play 2 players on Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (8)

    Short answer:Yes and as usual.Long answer:You can definitely play Uno with two players, and it is a lot of fun! The rules are the same as when you play with more players, and the gameplay does not differ much. The small difference is that the special cards might be even more valuable for you.

    How is that?

    Consider that when you are more players playing and block the next player, the third player can get an advantage and even win the game. When playing Uno, uno vs. uno (bad pun intended), you get that advantage!

    In a 1 vs 1 game of Uno:

    Let’s say you block your opponent = It’s your turn again.
    Let’s say you use the reverse card = It’s your turn again.

    And the Draw 2 Card = The other player draws two cards and it’s your turn again.

    Last but not least, you play the Draw 4 Card = The other player draws four colors, and you guessed it, it’s your turn again.

    Another aspect is that if you change the color to a more favorable color for you with the Wild Card, the chances are smaller that the second player changes it to another color before it is your turn again.

    Now all these aspects that supposedly makes it easier for you also applies to your opponent as well!

  • How do you cheat at Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (9)

    The conscientious answer: You don’t. But if the small devil on your shoulder has chased away the small angel (we know you have as well), there are a couple of ways.

    You probably think:Why would you share this?

    That is a valid question! The answer is quite simple. Although we don’t want anyone to cheat in Uno and we don’t want to teach anyone to do that, at the same time, we want everybody to know the different possible ways to catch the cheater in the act!

    We won’t go into details but here are some ways to cheat at Uno – Keep an eye out:

    • Rigging the deck so that you get all the best cards.
    • Distract the opponent and steal a powerful card or put a bad card in the discard pile.
    • Hide your bad cards in your sleeve (or any other place).
    • Make up your own house rules as you go.
    • Look at the other player’s cards.
    • Play two cards at once, hiding one of them under the other.

    Not really a cheat tip from the staff:

    This is not technically a cheat but might only be suited for the mathematically gifted players. Count the cards and or colors that are being played to determine your tactic. Observe if the player keeps picking up cards when a certain color is on the table and keep playing that color.

  • How do you make Uno more fun?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (10)

    We don’t think it is possible (why would we otherwise create an Uno-website?). We don’t know if our tips will make itmore fun, but you can make itdifferent fun!

    The easiest way is to add house rules. Some popular examples:

    Free for all rule:Allowing all players to play a card if they have a matching number or color or both. This is also known as speeding up the game. However for this to work it can only be allowed to play the card before the player whose turn it is played, not after!

    Stacking rule or The pile on:If someone plays a Pus Two Uno card or Wild Plus 4 Card the next player can play the same card and “Pile on” The number of cards the third player has to pick up. Assuming they don’t also play the same card and pile on even more cards. You might be surprised but in the original rules, you are not allowed to do this! Even though a lot of players do!

    Special numbers:Add special values or options to one or more of the number cards. The zero can be a wild card or allow you to play two cards. Another way is giving a number card a task. For example, if a 3 is played you need to say a special word or slap the discard pile. The last player to slap the pile or the player that forgets to say the chosen word needs to pick up two cards.

    The “Don’t ask” rule:Have you ever played with a player that is distracted? Punish the player that asks if it is their turn by ruling they need to pick up a card.

    Invalid rule:If you play an invalid Uno card you pick draw a card.

    Double down the punishment: Double all the times a player needs to draws times two!

    Team play:Play Uno in teams!

    Most newer Uno decks come with blank Wild Cards. You can read our whole article about the Uno Wild Card here. There you will find these ideas that can make Uno more fun:

    Forced giveaway – Select two cards from your hand and give them to another player. The other player can’t reject.

    Follow the leader – Copies the last card placed. Good if it is a Wild Card.

    Block attack – Negates the Wild Card Draw 4 card or any other special card.

    Wild Card magnet – All players have to give you their Wild cards or any other card!

    Discard color – All players should discard all cards with the color named by the player.

    Duel – This is an exciting Uno blank wild card idea. Choose a person to duel with – each player draws a card. The player with the lowest value draws three cards.

    Fair Play – Target a player with the fewest cards. They need to draw cards until they have the same amount as you have.

    Guessing game – Guess what color is next in the Draw pile. If correct – discard three cards.

    Gravedigger – when used, a player can swap a chosen card from the hand with a chosen wildcard from the discard pile.

    Communism – all player’s hands are placed put together, reshuffled, and distributed evenly.

    The slap – When played, all players need to put their hands on top of the discard pile. The last player to do so draws three cards.

    Landmine – When played, put it face side up somewhere in the Draw pile. The player that has to pick it up picks up two cards and discards the landmine.

    Turtle and the hare – Players with the least amount of cards in their hand skips their turn twice. Including the player that plays the card.

    Recycle – Choose a player to draw two cards from the discard pile that is not Wild cards or special cards.

    Freeze – Choose a person whose turn is skipped when it is their turn.

    In the same boat – Everyone draws two cards.

    Purity – No wild cards can be played until it is your turn again.

    Please feel free to change the Uno Blank wild card suggestions below to your own needs!

  • UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (11)

    Even though we can’t get enough of Uno, there might be occasions where you want to play something else with your Uno cards. Most of the options might be best suited for younger kids, but there are some options for the rest of us as well.

    • Memory – Flip them over face side down.
    • Go fish – Reduce to two colors to simplify and remove special cards if you want.
    • Card houses – If you have the patience for it.

    If you have younger kids, the chances are that you have noticed that they look at the world differently from adults. No surprise that they might want to play something else with the Uno cards. Here are some suggestions:

    • Sorting – This can help them with mathematical thinking in the future.
    • Learning numbers – This can help to learn numbers and simple math.
    • Counting – The Uno cards and colors can help to learn them to count.
    • Play Snap – Good for younger players.
  • How old should you be to play Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (12)

    7 years old is the recommendation. However, we have known 5-year-olds that play it quite well. Uno is quite easy to learn and understand, which makes it the perfect game for kids and adults.

  • Can you hide your cards in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (13)

    This is a good question without any good answer. In other words, there are no “official” clear rules regarding hiding the number of cards you have on your hand.

    We suggest: All player have their cards visible in a “fan” or you agree upon the terms that it is ok to hide the amount of cards before you start.

    Do not confuse this with Hiding cards and pretending they don’t exist. That is cheating. We are talking about hiding how many cards you have on your hand.

    This is important since you have to say “Uno” when you play your second to the last card. Failing to do so might result in a two-card punishment. We say might since the other players need to point that out. Not showing the number of cards makes it harder for them to do so and can therefore affect the game in a big way.

  • Is it ever possible to look at an opponent’s cards?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (14)

    Yes, there is! The only two times it is accepted to look at the opponent’s cards is:

    • After the game has finished and you want to count the Uno score
    • If you suspect that a player has played the Wild Draw 4 Card illegally.

    Although there are no specifically stated official rules regarding looking at an opponent’s Uno cards (except when you suspect the Wild Draw 4 Card has been played illegally), there are some instances that it might be granted:

    • When a player is suspected or caught cheating.
    • If a player makes a mistake or is thought of having made a mistake.

    Although it is an uncommon situation (since most people don’t know this is a rule), you can challenge players to show their cards if they play the Wild Draw 4 Card.You can only play this card if you don’t have a matching color available.But like we said, most people don’t know this is a rule.

    But beware!If you decide to call out a player on this you can get a penalty as well!

    “If you suspect that a player has played a Wild Draw 4 card illegally, you may challenge them. A challenged player must show his/her hand to the player who challenged. If the challenged player is guilty, he/she must draw the 4 cards. If the challenged player is not guilty, the challenger must draw the 4 cards, plus 2 additional cards. Only the person required to draw the 4 cards can make the challenge”

  • How does challenge work in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (15)

    In the official Uno Rules there is one scenario where it is stated how a challenge work. The situation is when a player suspect that another player have played the Uno Wild Draw 4 card illegally.

    “If you suspect that a player has played a Wild Draw 4 card illegally, you may challenge them. A challenged player must show his/her hand to the player who challenged. If the challenged player is guilty, he/she must draw the 4 cards. If the challenged player is not guilty, the challenger must draw the 4 cards, plus 2 additional cards. Only the person required to draw the 4 cards can make the challenge”


    A Wild Draw 4 card can only be played if you don’t have any cards in your hand that match the color of the card on top of the Discard pile. Please note that:

    • It is only the player that is required to draw the 4 cards that can make the challenge.
    • If the player makes a challenge and is wrong, the player needs to pick up a total of six cards.
    • If the player is guilty of playing the card illegally, the player who played the card needs to pick up four cards.
  • How do you pick the starting player?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (16)

    Short answer:The starting player is the person next to the dealer.How to pick the dealer:To pick the starting player in Uno is easy. Sit down in a circle. Each player draws a card (do we need to tell you the cards have to be face down?), and the player with the highest card is the dealer. The dealer shuffles the cards and deals 7 cards to each player.

  • What happens if you don't say Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (17)

    If you don’t say Uno the worst case scenario is that you have to draw cards. The rules state 4 cards but a lot of players play with two cards as a punishment. But in the best case, no one notices and nothing happens. Hopefully, you can play your last card and win!

    The worst-case and best-case scenarios, if you don’t say Uno depends on the other players. They need to point out the fact that you have not said “Uno”. If they do, you have to draw the cards; if they don’t, you are in the home stretch of the round.

    In other words, If you don’t call Uno when you have one card left, there are two possible scenarios.

    1. At least one of your opponents calls you out, and you have to draw the penalty cards (Official rules say four cards while a lot of people play with a two-card penalty).
    2. No one notices and does not call you out, which in that case nothing happens, and you can win the game.
  • Do you have to say Uno to win?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (18)

    No, you don’t have to say Uno to win. But if you fail to say “Uno” when you have one card left, you can be punished if the other players notice it and call you out on it. So the simple answer to the question isyes,you have to say Uno because you can get a penalty, and then you will be forced to draw more cards.

    But if you don’t say “Uno” and no one notices, then you can go on playing without any punishment and win the game without saying it!

  • When do I say Uno and in what timeframe can I be called out?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (19)

    A common point of conflict or dispute is when you are supposed to say Uno and what timeframe you are allowed to call out a player. We use the term “when you have one card left,” but this raises more questions like:

    • Is it when the card leaves the hand?
    • Is it when the card touches the discard pile?
    • Can I call out a player when the card is being placed?
    • Can I call out a player after the player’s turn has ended?

    Below you will find the official Mattel rules from the game, but we can sum them up like this:
    When to say UNO:

    • Before playing your second to the last card, you must say “Uno!”.
    • Your card has to touch the discard pile before anyone can call you out for not saying “Uno!”.
    • If you place the card in the discard pile and don’t say “Uno!” The opponents can call you out until the next player begins their turn.
    • The next player’s turn begins when the player draws a card from the draw pile or drawing a card from their own hand.

    But let’s dust of the old Uno rule book and check what exactly the rules are:

    “Before playing your next to last card, you must say “UNO.” If you don’t say UNO and another player catches you with just one card before the next player begins their turn, you must pick FOUR more cards from the DRAW pile.

    If you are not caught before the next player either draw a card from the DRAW pile or draws a card from their hand to play, you do not have to draw the extra cards.”

    “If you forget to say, “UNO” before your card touches the DISCARD pile, but you “catch” yourself before any other player catches you, you are safe and not subject to the 4-card penalty.

    You may not catch a player for failure to say “UNO!” until his/her second-to-last card touches the DISCARD pile.

    You may not catch a player forfailure to say it after the next player begins his/her turn.

    “Begining a turn” is defined as either drawing a card from the DRAW pile or drawing a card from your hand to play”.

    Quote from the official mattel rules (we divided up the text in sections to make it easier to read).
  • What happens if two players say Uno at the same time?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (20)

    The short answer is: Nothing happens. This is an impossible scenario if you play with the official rules. However, if you are playing with house rules allowing the “jump-in” house rule (or similar ones), this actually can happen! Let’s take a look at the two scenarios:

    Official rules:Since only one player can play at once only one player can call out “Uno!” at once.

    House rules:The jump-in house rule and similar versions allow anyone to jump in whenever a card is played. In the scenario that two players put down their second to the last card approximately simultaneously and both call out “Uno!” at the same time, nothing happens.

    The reason is that it does not matter that you call out “Uno”; it only matters if you fail to do so (because you can get a penalty draw).

  • Is there a penalty for calling a false Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (21)

    There is no penalty. There is no official rule in the rulebook that forbids this. However, we don’t think it’s good sportsmanship to do so!

  • How many cards can you play at once in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (22)

    According to the official rules, you can play one card at a time, and for those that are curious, there are no exceptions. With that said, it is quite common to use some house rules and allow to play the same number at once.

    Although it is not counted as playing two cards at once, there is another instance where you in practice can do it. If you play a two-player game, there are situations where you can place two cards at once, but this is counted as two different hands. Let’s take a closer look.

    Imagine that you are playing one other player. You play the Stop Card, so it is your turn again. In reality, you can play the Stop Card and another card at the same time. In reality, you are playing two cards at once, but technically this is what happens:

    1. You play the Stop Card, and it is the opponents turn to play – Let’s call thisturn #1
    2. The Stop Card forbids the opponents to play a card, although it is the opponent’s turn.
    3. Now it is your turn again. This is yourturn #2in our scenario.

    To speed things up you can:

    Play the Stop Card (turn #1) and immediately place the card you want to play in turn #2, which in a sense is placing more than one card at once.

  • Is stacking a real rule in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (23)

    No stacking is not an actual rule and is not allowed in the official Uno rules. Stacking can refer to:

    • Playing several cards at once, in a “stack”.
    • Stacking action cards.

    Let’s say you have two numbers, seven, one green and one blue. Playing both at once would be an example of stacking the sevens toegheter. The same principle applies to the question about how many cards you can play at once in Uno. You can only play one single card at a time.

    An example of stacking action cards will be if you play a Draw 4 Wild card. The next player would also play a Wild Card 4 draw (instead of drawing the four-card penalty), thus making the third player in line forced to draw eight cards. In other words, stacking the Wild draw four cards. According to the official game rules, this is not allowed but a common house rule.

    But as usual, remember that you can always make up your own house rules.

  • Can you stack different colors in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (24)

    No! We are sorry, but the same thing goes with all types of stacking. You can’t stack different colors in Uno or any other kind of stacking. We are, of course, referring to the official rules; what you decide to do is up to you! We promise not to tell anyone if you choose to stack…because we do it too sometimes!

    So you can only play one card at a time.However, the next player can play a different color if the symbol or number matches which, of course, is how you play the game!

  • Can you pick up and put down in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (25)

    Yes, you can! But not every time. So let us explore the different scenarios. In short, we can say that you can pick up and put down unless you are punished to draw cards by a card or by an opponent. Let’s take a closer look.

    The question“Can you pick up and put down in Uno”is one of the more common questions about Uno.There are different scenarios when different rules apply.

    1. It is your turn, but you either can’t or want to play a card, so you pick up a card. In this case,you are allowedto play it!
    2. The player before you plays a Draw 2 Card or a Wild Draw 4 Card. In this case, you arenot allowedto pick up the cards and put one down. Put differently: you lose your turn.
    3. You have one card left but forget to say “Uno,” and you get caught by an alert opponent and have to pick up some cards. In this scenario, you arenot allowedto pick up the cards and put one down.
  • Can you pick and play in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (26)

    A similar question we get a lot is “Can you pick and play in Uno”.If you are referring to the Wild Card that changes the color of the game, thenno, you can’t. You can’t pick a color and put a card down (remember the one card rule?).

    If by pick, you mean pick up and play, please see the question before:Can you pick up and put down in Uno?

  • What is the 7 0 rule in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (27)

    The 7- 0 or 7 0 rule in Uno is not an official rule but a fun way to mix up the game and make it even more exciting. It’s pretty straight forward, and you can swap the numbers or change them after you liking:

    • Playing card number 7: This allows you to swap hands with any other player.
    • Playing card number 0: This forces all players to swap hands! All players take their hand and pass it down in the order of play.
  • What does the reverse card look like?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (28)

    The reverse card is the card that has two arrows pointing in opposite directions. The Uno reverse card comes in four different colors.

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (29)

    The Uno reverse card has also gotten very popular because of the Uno reverse card meme. Read more about the card in our article discussing the Uno reverse card.

  • If I have to draw four cards and one of them matches the new color, can I play it?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (30)

    According to the official rules, you can not play the card even if it matches. This goes back to the rule that you lose your turn when the player before you plays a Draw 2 card or a Wild Draw 4 card.

  • Can you finish Uno on a wild card?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (31)

    Yes you can! Against popular belief you can end Uno on a Wild Card.

  • Can you end on a swap hands in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (32)

    In the official rules, it is not stated whether you can use the Swap Hands Card as your last card. So this becomes a question for you to answer.

    You can look at it in two different ways.

    1. You can’t use itas your last card since when you use it you can’t trade cards with your opponent since you have no left. Do you win the game or the opponent (since you trade your empty hand for the opponent’s cards)?

    2. You can use itsince you play it and have no more cards and therefore the game is finished.

    In original Uno, you can use all the Uno cards to end the game. Besides, if you look at the official Uno Twitter account or Instagram, you can find them stating that you can end Uno on an Action card. Should the Swap hands card be any different?

    We let you and your house rules decide!

  • Can draw 4 be the last card?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (33)

    Yes, the Draw 4 Wild Card can be the last card played in a game of Uno. In fact, if you play the Draw 4 as the last card, the player after you have to draw the four cards. These points are counted toward the score.

  • If you play a Draw 2 or Draw 4 as your last card, does the next player have to draw?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (34)

    Yes!This is an official rule, and if you play a Draw 2 or Draw 4 as your last card, the next player has to draw the cards. This is because the cards are to be counted by you when points are totaled (if you are playing with points).

  • Can I play two null cards of different colors, one after another, in a 2-player game?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (35)

    The null cards ( the blank Uno cards or the Uncategorised cards) can be used in different ways.

    • As a backup card for when your dog eats yourhomeworkUno card, or you lose it because your spouse has cheated and hidden it, or your kid wanted to “taste the pretty blue card”.
    • As a special card for your house rules.

    This means that in a game played with official rules, you don’t use the null cards, and if you do, they are just the same as the other cards, and you can play them after each other.

    But if you are using them in another way with your own house rules, it will depend on your house rules.

  • When can I play the Wild Draw 4 card?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (36)

    The Wild Draw 4 card is one of the best cards you can have in Uno. You can play it on all colors and numbers as well as on any special card. As a bonus, the next player in line has to pick up four cards! That is if it is played legally.

    As a rule of thumb, you can play it on all other cards, but to better understand when you can play it, let’s take a look when you can not play it.

    You can not play the Uno Wild Draw 4 card when:
    The player before you have played the Wild Draw 4 card (that is called stacking and is not an official rule). You need to pick up 4 cards and the game moves on without you playing any cards.

    The player before you have played the Draw 2 card. In this scenario, you need to pick up 2 cards, and the game moves on without you playing any cards.

    If you have a card that matches the color (numbers are fine) on the card that is on top of the Discard pile.

    In other words, you can play the Uno Wild Draw 4 card on any card if it is your turn and you don’t have a matching color on your hand. If you have a matching number, then you can play the Wild Draw 4 card.

  • Can I play a Draw 4 card on top of another Draw 4 card?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (37)

    Yes and no!Depending on what you mean, with a Draw 4 card on top of another Draw 4 card. Let’s take a closer look at a scenario.

    Let’s say the game has three players with the following beautiful imaginative names: Player A, Player B, and Joey (You did not see Joey coming, did you?).

    1. Player A plays the Draw 4 card.
    2. The question becomes if Player B can play a Draw 4 card on top of another Draw 4 card.
    3. The answer is:No.
    4. According to the official rules, Player B can’t. This is called stacking and can be a house rule, but it is not allowed in the official rules since the player only can pick up the cards, and the turn goes to our friend Joey.
    5. On the other hand,Joey canplay another Wild Draw 4 card on top of another Draw 4 card, giving Player A a lesson not to mess with Player B!
    6. Joey will also be able to choose the color that Player C has to adjust to. Assuming Player C doesn’t want to teach Joey a lesson with yet another Wild Draw 4 card.
  • Can you put a wild card on a wild card?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (38)

    If you are referring to playing two Wild cards in one hand, then no. At least if you are playing with the official rules. If you have your own house rules, you can add the rule that you can. This is commonly referred to as “stacking” and is a trendy house rule.

    Please note that you can put a wild card on a wild card if the player before you played a Uno Wild card.


    When a wild card on wild card is not allowed.

    Player A has two wild cards and puts both down on top of each other (wild card on wild card). This move is not allowed according to the official Uno rules and is called stacking.

    When a wild card on wild card is allowed.

    Player A plays a Wild card and chooses the color red. Now you have to play a red card, but you can also choose to play another Wild card and change it to any color you wish.

  • Can a Draw 4 go on a Draw 2?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (39)

    The answer is no!At least if you play with the official rules. If a Draw 4 or a Draw 2 is played, the next player in line has to pick up four or two cards, respectively. No exceptions. (Just kidding, if you play with house rules, there can be a lot of exceptions.)

    However, the same holds true as with the previous question scenario (Can I play a Draw 4 card on top of another Draw 4 card?).

    If the game consists of three players and the first player puts a Draw 2 Uno card, the second player has to draw two cards, and the player’s turn is skipped. The third player (Joey) can put a Draw 4 card on the discard pile with the draw 2 on it.

  • Can you put a Draw 4 on a Draw 4?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (40)

    No!Playing a Draw 4 card on top of a Draw 4 card is not allowed. This is called stacking and is not permitted according to the official rules. This has been the center of controversy since it is a widespread house rule to stack Draw 4 cards and Draw 2 cards leaving one poor soul with a + 30 card draw.

    But in the official rules the next player in line has to pick up the four cards (two cards if it is a Draw 2).

  • Can you stack +2 cards in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (41)

    No!The same rules applies as with the Wild Draw 4 Card ( see previous questions).

  • Can you skip a draw 2?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (42)

    No, you can not!You can’t play the Skip Card on the Draw 2 card. The official rules clearly state that the next player in line after the player that plays the Draw 2 (and Wild Draw 4 card) is the one to pick up the cards. So you can’t play the Skip turn card.

    However, the next player after that can play the Skip card if it matches the color of the Draw 2 Uno card.

  • Can you reverse a plus 2 in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (43)

    No, you can not!If the player before you plays the Draw 2 (Plus 2 card), you have to take up two cards. You can not play the reverse card. Just remember that these are the official rules, and you can have your own house rules!

    Also, note that the player in line after the player that picks up the cards (Joey in our example above) can play the reverse card on the plus 2 cards.

  • What are the rules for the swap hands card in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (44)

    Some Uno variations, especially newer ones, have one Wild Swap Hands card in them. These cards allow you to swap all the cards in your hand for the cards in an opponent’s hand. You can choose whichever opponent you want to swap hands with.

    You can play the Wild Swap hand card even though you have other playable hands on your hand (unlike the Wild Draw 4 Card). You also get to choose the color for the next player in line.

    If the card is drawn as the first card, the first player can’t swap the cards, but the player is allowed to choose the color.

  • Can you swap hands as last card?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (45)

    In the official rules, it is not stated whether or not you can use the Swap Hands Card as your last card. So this becomes a question for you to answer.

    You can look at it in two different ways.

    1. You can’t use itas your last card since when you use it you can’t trade cards with your opponent since you have no left. Do you win the game or the opponent (since you trade your empty hand for the opponent’s cards).

    2. You can use itsince you play it and have no more cards and therefore the game is finished.

    In original Uno, you can use all the Uno cards to end the game. Besides if you look at the official Uno Twitter account or Instagram you can find them stating that you can end Uno on an Action card. Should the Swap hands card be any different?

    We let you and your house rules decide!

  • Is the Swap Hands Card in Uno optional?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (46)

    Yes, the Swap Hands cards are optional!If you want to play classical Uno but have Wild Cards, Customisable cards, or any other special cards, you can leave them out.

  • What is the shuffle hands card?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (47)

    The Shuffle Hands card is another special card common in newer versions of Uno. The rules are pretty simple.

    When a player plays this card, the player takes everyone’s hand and shuffles them together. After that, the player distributes them evenly among all players, and the next player in line continues to play.

    Like with the Swap hands card, you can choose to leave them out if you want to play with the classical Uno rules.

  • Can you end on a shuffle hands card in Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (48)

    Like with the Swap hands card, there are no official rules regarding if you can play the Shuffle Hands Card as the last card (please see theCan you swap hands as the last card?above for a longer answer). You can decide that for yourself!

  • What is attack Uno?

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (49)

    Uno Attack is a particular version of the classical Uno game with a card shooter and unique Action cards. The card shooter is a small plastic machine that shoots cards. We have a whole guide dedicated to the popular version here:Uno Attack Rules.

    If you play an Attack card, you can use the shooter to shoot a stream of cards at an opponent, which they have to pick up and add to their hand.

    UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (50)
UNO FAQ - All Uno questions and answers you'll ever need! (2024)


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.