Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (2024)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (1)
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Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (2)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

#70832220/10/20 10:34 AM

Joined: Oct 2020

CaryMillerSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (4)OP


OPSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (5)



Joined: Oct 2020

I'm sorry but the Boar is pretty much useless most of the time, with a highly situational ability that doesn't work very well.

Meanwhile cat-lovers everywhere aren't getting what we want. A Panther or a Tiger or even a Lion (though I would prefer a Black Panther because I'm partial to them and I think the stat block and abilities would be easy to implement).

Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft.
14 (+2) DEX
15 (+2) CON
10 (+0) INT
3 (-4) WIS
14 (+2) CHA
7 (-2)
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
Senses passive Perception 14
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Keen Smell. The panther has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Pounce. If the panther moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the panther can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Way more interesting than the Boar mechanically, way cooler/more fun if you love cats in real life, and it gives us a stealthy animal companion to round things out.

"Old time love song will die so swiftly.
You never trust me-
For a while it was nice, but it's time to say bye....

I'm cold, you're so cold-
You're so cold, you're so cold-
No-no-no, cold, you're so cold...."

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (7)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70837320/10/20 11:35 AM

Joined: Oct 2020


FenrisCSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (8)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (9)




Joined: Oct 2020

A drow ranger summoning a big black panther ? Reminds me something... :p

Reference aside, I think all possible animal companions will be present in final game. Larian probably didnt have time to put them all in the EA... Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (10)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (11)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

FenrisC#70837920/10/20 11:40 AM

Joined: Oct 2020

CaryMillerSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (13)OP


OPSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (14)



Joined: Oct 2020

Originally Posted by FenrisC

A drow ranger summoning a big black panther ? Reminds me something... :p

Reference aside, I think all possible animal companions will be present in final game. Larian probably didnt have time to put them all in the EA... Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (16)

I hope you're right, this request is actually more because I love my black cat in real life. So whenever myself or my girlfriend play as a Ranger we take a Panther in homage to our little guy.

I just don't connect with the other animals in that Role Playing sense. Though I'd love to see stuff like the Flying Snake, etc. too. Just for people who want different things.

I really feel the Boar was a letdown. =/ I dunno, just super limited, and it didn't have a stat block to compensate for it's charge ability being so niche.

I keep thinking a Panther would help Rogue/Ranger Multiclasses especially with sneak attacks, etc.

"Old time love song will die so swiftly.
You never trust me-
For a while it was nice, but it's time to say bye....

I'm cold, you're so cold-
You're so cold, you're so cold-
No-no-no, cold, you're so cold...."

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (17)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70841420/10/20 12:16 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Rugby, UK

SadurianSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (19)

Cleric of Innuendo

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (20)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (21)


Cleric of Innuendo

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (22)

Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Rugby, UK

I like my pig.

We are not all cat people or furries.

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (24)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

Sadurian#70842720/10/20 12:35 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

AzarielleSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (26)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (27)



Joined: Oct 2020

Haha, I mean... This can't be for real right?

And I want a co*cker spaniel!

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (29)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70843820/10/20 12:48 PM

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Location: Rugby, UK

SadurianSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (31)

Cleric of Innuendo

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (32)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (33)


Cleric of Innuendo

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (34)

Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Rugby, UK

I'm still waiting for my giant tortoise animal companion in PF:Kingmaker. I hate the developers sooo much.

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (36)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70844920/10/20 01:00 PM

Joined: Oct 2020


FenrisCSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (37)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (38)




Joined: Oct 2020

I think in the EA there are only animals that currently are present as wildlife or because of the intro/tutorial :

- Imps (Nautiloid Attack)
- Boars (druid cove NPC + Astarion's "friend")
- Ravens (various slaughter sceneries, probably sharing same animation rigs than birds)
- Rats (druids cove, cellars, etc. very easy since barely anything to animate/model)
- Wolfs (Giant wolf as druid companions)
- Bears (same)
- Frog (like the swamp one)
- Spider (basically a reduced version of giant ones, not too hard to do)

Others familiars that seem "unique" to the player :
- Crabs (same, didnt find them near sand beaches, maybe they are)
- Cats (probably easy to model and rig, same effect as minor illusion)
- Quasit (probably the most elaborate amonst familiars)

So basically Larian didnt include all animal companions YET, it most probably was easier to only include animals that were needed for the story and world, for starter.
I have no doubt every available animal companion in the 5e ed. will be included in the final release. And if you dont have wanted color, I'm pretty sure there will be mods for that too... Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (39)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (40)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70845220/10/20 01:02 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

WarBaby2Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (42)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (43)



Joined: Oct 2020

Meh, Gwen isn't even a proper animal companion, she's a magical artifact. Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (45)

...agreed, though. There'll probably be more options, once more animals/monsters are added to the game.

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (46)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70852020/10/20 01:50 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

Uncle LesterSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (48)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (49)

Uncle Lester


Joined: Oct 2020

We need more options in general, but that's likely just EA thing, like we have only a handful of (sub)classes etc. I hope there's nice variety and some fun, unique options.

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (51)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70860520/10/20 02:37 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Gamertown USA

seikojinSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (53)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (54)



Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Gamertown USA

I hope summons/pets have a choice of the look as well.

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (56)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

Sadurian#70922620/10/20 07:44 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

CaryMillerSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (58)OP


OPSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (59)



Joined: Oct 2020

Originally Posted by Sadurian

I like my pig.

We are not all cat people or furries.

I take exception to that sir. I am a cat person. BUT NOT a "Furry". =P

Also, you like the Boar? Have you gotten it's charge to work? Because it doesn't seem to at all from testing here.

"Old time love song will die so swiftly.
You never trust me-
For a while it was nice, but it's time to say bye....

I'm cold, you're so cold-
You're so cold, you're so cold-
No-no-no, cold, you're so cold...."

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (61)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

Azarielle#70923020/10/20 07:45 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

CaryMillerSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (63)OP


OPSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (64)



Joined: Oct 2020

Originally Posted by Azarielle

Haha, I mean... This can't be for real right?

And I want a co*cker spaniel!

I'm totally for real.

Panther is a super common pick for people who play Ranger in Pen and Paper. Much more common than Boar.

"Old time love song will die so swiftly.
You never trust me-
For a while it was nice, but it's time to say bye....

I'm cold, you're so cold-
You're so cold, you're so cold-
No-no-no, cold, you're so cold...."

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (66)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#70924820/10/20 07:53 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Rugby, UK

SadurianSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (68)

Cleric of Innuendo

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (69)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (70)


Cleric of Innuendo

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (71)

Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Rugby, UK

Originally Posted by CaryMiller

I take exception to that sir. I am a cat person. BUT NOT a "Furry". =P

You say that, but furries are notoriously tricksy. I have an Insight check directed at you....

Originally Posted by CaryMiller

Also, you like the Boar? Have you gotten it's charge to work? Because it doesn't seem to at all from testing here

I'll be honest, I don't really use him optimally. I have charged a few times but not so much that I could give you any sort of statistically analysis on its effectiveness. He just scampers ahead and gores people. I don't play watching the numbers, I'm afraid I'm one of those more interested in story and narrative than the mechanics. Great for play but not so much to give any sort of feedback analysis.

Anyway, pigs are self-evidently better than cats, even big cats.
Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (73)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (74)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

Sadurian#71002721/10/20 07:24 AM

Joined: Oct 2020

CaryMillerSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (76)OP


OPSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (77)



Joined: Oct 2020

Originally Posted by Sadurian

Originally Posted by CaryMiller

I take exception to that sir. I am a cat person. BUT NOT a "Furry". =P

You say that, but furries are notoriously tricksy. I have an Insight check directed at you....

Originally Posted by CaryMiller

Also, you like the Boar? Have you gotten it's charge to work? Because it doesn't seem to at all from testing here

I'll be honest, I don't really use him optimally. I have charged a few times but not so much that I could give you any sort of statistically analysis on its effectiveness. He just scampers ahead and gores people. I don't play watching the numbers, I'm afraid I'm one of those more interested in story and narrative than the mechanics. Great for play but not so much to give any sort of feedback analysis.

Anyway, pigs are self-evidently better than cats, even big cats.
Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (79)


Well either way. Even if the Boar stays, Panthers should absolutely be available. =P

I'll take your exception to cats as to never having had one around to grow on you. Piglets are cute though.

"Old time love song will die so swiftly.
You never trust me-
For a while it was nice, but it's time to say bye....

I'm cold, you're so cold-
You're so cold, you're so cold-
No-no-no, cold, you're so cold...."

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (80)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#71003521/10/20 07:32 AM

Joined: Sep 2020

AnfindelSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (82)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (83)



Joined: Sep 2020

Least the request wasn't for a Miniature Giant Space Hamster, with a special blinding attack.

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (85)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

Anfindel#71043421/10/20 01:51 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

CaryMillerSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (87)OP


OPSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (88)



Joined: Oct 2020

Originally Posted by Anfindel

Least the request wasn't for a Miniature Giant Space Hamster, with a special blinding attack.

While BG1 & 2 are among my favorite games of all time...I'm not really looking for nostalgia here, I'm looking for something close to a real 5e experience, with a more mature story you couldn't have told 20 years ago.

I love Minsc and Boo...but I think it's best to leave them where they lie. Though I haven't had a chance to play Siege of Dragonspear yet.

"Old time love song will die so swiftly.
You never trust me-
For a while it was nice, but it's time to say bye....

I'm cold, you're so cold-
You're so cold, you're so cold-
No-no-no, cold, you're so cold...."

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (90)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

FenrisC#71112221/10/20 07:18 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Liberec

RagnarokCzDSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (92)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (93)



Joined: Oct 2020

Location: Liberec

Originally Posted by FenrisC

I think in the EA there are only animals that currently are present as wildlife

In that case i would like to get ferret, preferebly some that is completely useless in combat, but can pickpocket. :P
I bet i have seen some in druid groove.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (95)
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (96)

Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (97)

Re: Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar

CaryMiller#71112821/10/20 07:19 PM

Joined: Oct 2020

zeelSuggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (99)


Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (100)



Joined: Oct 2020

I agree that more choices of animals need to be added, but don't take away my piggy!

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Suggestion: Rangers NEED a PANTHER not a Wild Boar (2024)


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