12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (2024)

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (1)

By Jordan Reilly

I can’t think of anything more relaxing than a hot dreamy bath and a glass of wine after a long day. Baths can be therapeutic in so many ways, from clearing the mind to curing muscle aches. We love our baths so much that many of us will spend a pretty penny on fancy bath products, but did you know that some of the most healing bath solutions come from basic products we already have? I was shocked too. I’ve heardof different milk bath recipes, and of course the benefits of bath salts; but would you believe that there are healing properties linked to adding Jello to your bath? It’s true! So, today’s inspiring post shares 12 surprising bath recipes.Just simple,everyday things you can add to your bath, with unbelievable healing properties! 12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (2)

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes]

1. Green Tea Bath Recipe Simply drop 5-10 green tea bags into your bath while it’s filling. Soak & relax.

Benefits of a Green Tea Bath- The minerals in green teaare well known for their powerful anti-aging benefits, which will replenish& restore balance to your skin. Green tea alsohas natural antioxidants,whichaidin detoxing your body from natural pollutants.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (3)

2. Honey Bath Recipe-Pour one cup of honey into your bath while it’s filling. Honey can be mixed with powdered milk in your bath for added benefits (see milk bath recipe below). Soak & relax.

Benefits of a Honey Bath- Historians believe that honey has been used topically as a healing agent for over 10,000 years! Adding honey to your bath will moisturize, soften and sooth dry skin.The natural antioxidant properties in honey will help detox your body while you soak.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (4)

3. Jello Bath Recipe- Select your favorite flavor of sugar free Jello, add ½ box to your running bath. Enjoy the sweet scents, soak & relax.

Benefits of a Jello Bath-Soaking in Jello will not only make your skinsmell delicious, it can work miracles on dry skin.Jello comes invarious flavors (and scents),which areknown to affect the mood. According to research, our mood can be lifted when we inhale fruity scents like watermelon and cherries, this is due to a endorphin-dopamine reaction.Since scent reactions are personal, havefun experimenting with different flavors to find your mood elevating scent!

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (5)

4. Milk Bath RecipeMilk baths are best withpowdered milk. Add two cups of powdered milk to your bath while it’s filling. Feel free to add honey, lavender or Epsom salt alongwith the milk for added benefits! Soak & relax.

Benefits of a Milk Bath- Did you know Cleopatra’s beauty was attributed to her love of milk baths? Milk contains lactic acid, which is packed with skin softeningproperties that leave skinfeeling smoother and more resilient. The lactic acid in milkacts similarly to the alpha hydroxyl acids found inexpensive skin creams, whichdissolve proteins that bind dead skin cells together.Milk baths are also great for soothing burns and skin after spending too much time in the sun!

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (6)

5.Olive Oil Bath Recipe- Add three tablespoons of olive oil to your bath while it fills. Soak & relax.

Benefits of an Olive Oil Bath- When mixed with water, olive oil hasthe ability tosoak deep into your tissues and rejuvenate them. Olive oil bathsaid in buildinga stronger immunity to viral and bacterial infections.Olive oil will helpmaintain the collagen in your skin, keeping skin looking supple for longer. This reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.Bonus: Aftergiving birth, regular oil bathshave been known tohelp regain strength. Theminerals in olive oilcan also help your uterus shrink back to its normal size much faster post baby.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (7)

6. Epsom Salt Bath Recipe- Add 1/2 cupof Epsom salt torunning bath water.Epsom salts can be mixed witholive oil, milkand baking soda for added benefits!

Benefits of an Epsom Salt Bath- Historically, Epsom salts have been knownfor their powerful ability torelieve aches, pains and sore muscles. The nutrients in the salt break down the build up of lactic acid, which causes muscle pain. Soaking in a bath of Epsom salts will also help reduces muscle inflammation.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (8)

7. Oatmeal Bath Recipe To avoid turning your bath into a giantbowl of porridge, place oatmeal into a tea ball orsimilar enclosure. Drop into your running bath,soak& relax.

Benefits of an Oatmeal Bath-Oatmealacts as anexcellent, all-natural skin softening addition to your bath. You’ll find oatmeal in amyriad ofstore boughtbath productsbecauseit’s a great remedy for itching, irritated skin.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (9)

8. Lavender Bath Recipe- Fill a tea bagwith dried lavender or put a few drops of lavender essential oil into your running bath. Soak &relax.

Benefits of a Lavender Bath- The natural properties in lavenderare famous fortheir ability to relieve stress & tension. Lavender will also help to reduce inflammation of stiff, tired muscles.Soakingin arelaxing lavender bath willhelp relieve tension knots that build up over the course of a long, stressful day.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (10)

9. Lemon Bath Recipe- Squeeze and drop 5-6 lemons into your running bath. If you don’t have lemons, 3/4 cup of bottled lemon juice will work just as well. Soak & relax.

Benefits of a Lemon Bath- Lemon baths are especially refreshing in hot weather. The healing agents in lemons will refresh & revive tired skin.Lemons will also cool the skin,and helptighten largepores!

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (11)

10. Ginger Bath Recipe- Add one tablespoon of fresh, choppedginger to your running bath.Soak & relax.

Benefits of a Ginger Bath-Bathing in a bath of ginger will ease sore muscles, eliminate toxins from the body. The naturalanti bacterial properties inginger willhelp sweat out colds, flues,and congestion. Adding ginger to yourbath on a cool daywill raise the temperature of your skin and make you feel warm & toasty.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (12)

11. Baking Soda Bath Recipe- Add 4-5 tablespoons of baking soda to your running bath. Mix baking soda with salts or milk for added benefits!Soak & relax.

Benefits of a Baking Soda Bath- Baking soda acts as a gentle, soothing agent which will sooth & calm irritated skin. Baking soda baths are great for relieving the irritationcaused bypesky bug bits.

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (13)

12. Cinnamon Bath Recipe-Cinnamon sticks are more convenient, butpowder will work just as well. Drop 3-4 sticks of cinnamon intoyour running bath. If you don’t have sticks, place ¼ cup of ground cinnamon in a cheesecloth and drop it into your bath.

Benefits of a Cinnamon Bath- Cinnamon baths have been used for centuriesas spiritual purification in many cultural traditions. The natural properties in cinnamon will remove toxins from the body (especially after an illness).This powerful spicealso acts as a natural disinfectant & astringent, helping to cleanse the body.Cinnamon baths will invigorate the spirit and elevate your mood.Just like ginger, cinnamon baths will help raiseyour body temperatureon a cool day!

12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (14)

Which DIY bath recipe will you try first? I’m going for the Jello =)

86 responses to “12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes]

  1. Great list. I think I will try the tea bath tonight!


    1. Awesome! How did it turn out?!


      1. I look younger already 😉


        1. You girls are too much! Haha chai and yogues soon x


  2. Could we add everything in for one bath or is that too much??


    1. HA! Why not!? Kill 12 birds with one stone…happy relaxing =)


  3. Pingback: 59 DIY Beauty Tutorials | Beauty Hacks | You're So Pretty

  4. Just tried the honey bath it was brilliant!! Thank you so much for this site!! Also I dropped in a few tsp of cherry jello and it really did uplift my mood and made my bath a sweet pink colour! I am also suffering from tired and achey muscles and they are feeling relaxed and much looser! Thank you again and anyone reading this you must try!


  5. I use a lot of these (but never thought to use all of them at one time lol). I absolutely love using chamomile green tea bags in my bath water. And some calendula in there too, it is great for combating inflammation, soreness, soothing and achy muscles.


  6. I mixed olive oil, green tea, lemon and baking soda and it was amazing!! Skin feels great!


  7. After a hard day building a shed I decided to try olive oil and ground cinnamon(I didn’t have any sticks) with my Epsom salt. I must say it was relaxing,smelled good and definitely softened the skin, however the cinnamon left a huge mess. I would say definitely use cinnamon sticks and you will have a great bath.


  8. Pingback: DIY (add to your bath) | April Roseboro

  9. Did olive oil baking soda and cinnamon. I feel amazing, my skin is soft and feels clear and nice. but beware the cinnamon gets everywhere and likes to stick on your skin!


  10. I just did a green, chammomille tea with ginger and baking soda. I feel amazing


  11. I’m about to try apricot jello mixed with baking soda!!!


  12. I’ve done several of these before, but I never heard of adding honey or Jello. Will they leave my skin sticky? Thanks so much!


    1. No, the water dilutes it to a soft silky feel.


  13. Oh great ideas! I am about to try a ginger, lemon and honey bath.. I need all those benefits 😉



  14. I think I’ll try a ginger/lavender bath tonight. I don’t have Epsom salts, or I’d add that too. I started back running this week and could use some soothing.


  15. Is it best to avoid getting it in your hair or is that alright?


    1. I’d avoid, but things like oils are known for being good for your hair too!


  16. I am going to try cinnamon, milk and olive oil


    1. Read closer… it says to use sugar free jello!


    2. You are supposed to use Sugar Free Jello it says. 🙂


  17. Jello is full of sugar. Unless you want to a team dumplings in your vagin*, I wouldn’t.


    1. That’s why it says sugar free.


    2. Sugar Free Jello should be used. 🙂


    3. First of all it says sugar free Jello. Secondly, you are incorrect. Even when using regular Jello, the amount of water vs Jello powder is such that it’s not going to in any way be an issue. Plenty of store-bought bath products have sugar in them and you don’t even know it.


  18. Never thought to use green tea bags in my bath or lemon! I just used 4 tea bags and squeezed a lemon wedge and went for jojoba oil instead of olive…. Feels so good on my achy body


  19. I really would like to try the lemon bath.I need some detoxing. I suppose these detoxing remidies are good for acne right??


    1. I had complete acl and misniscus surgery n April I moved in June and wow… I have been doing honey and milk for awhile… If my milk gets the chance to exljre… I write do not drink and USE it n my bath….
      So I’m poor on fixed income… I didn’t have cheese cloth but had some baby wipes that list their wetness….
      So I used that to put my tea baking soda and cinnamon n… Its doing great at staying together.. Lol with a rubber band….
      I also added milk and honey and lemon and olive oil…
      I have them paper towels for the bathroom… Well let me ya.. I had one forgotten on my bathroom sink,.. By forgotten I mean it didn’t make it to the trash..
      So I soaked it in my bath poked a breathing hole n it.. Smeared coconut oil on my face and covered with NY recycling paper towel.
      Its feeling amazing..n this bath.
      I tore ligemento n same knee I had surgery on n Apr…
      I also GI to the gym 5 days a week work n the therapy pool and at least three days n the gym…
      Oh and since I started using coconut oil on my face… Soooth soft skin.. Lol haha I even put it on the back of my hands and cuticles .while I am soaking…
      I have been in horrible pain all day. With a migraine to biit…!!!ugh….
      I’ve been soaking mayb 10-15 min I am feeling amazing….. I will b buying jello next week


  20. Even if you don’t have Epsom salt specifically, table salt is still a great thing to add to your baths. Also if you mix the milk and lemon bath beware your bath with come out smelling a little, ripe, because the milk gets curdled by the citric acid in the lemon ,but it still works great. Tried the green tea salt lemon and honey together and felt great coming out.


    1. I have not had this problem yet…. I also mixed about
      2 c course salt
      1 1/2 package powder milk
      1/3 c baking soda
      2 packages sugar free jello
      Mixed in large Ziploc bags
      Divided it out into (6) snack size portion bags
      I have enough for six baths ready to go
      I also added to my running water
      1 c. Honey
      2 TSP olive oil
      1/2 c lemon juice
      6 green tea bags…


  21. I wouldn’t recommend using honey or any oils in a bath. Eventually, your pipes will clog. Apply these to your skin while your skin is still damp.


    1. Because of its low heating temperature coconut oil would be fine. Just make sure you flush with hot water after your bath.


      1. Coconut oil solidifies at the lowest temperature of most oils we encounter on a normal day. I’d think this would make it most susceptible to clogging?


        1. Coconut oil goes solid at 76 degrees. I would say I will not use
          it because of such a temperature. I live about 25 air miles from the Gulf of Mexico in south Louisiana.


        2. Hubby’s daughter uses a conditioner which is mostly sunflower seed and coconut oil. Fills our hair trap with white gick and leaves a slippery film on the tub. Easily rinses away with heat, however I would wholeheartedly second not putting any significant amount of oil down the drain, especially routinely over time. Somewhere down the line that oil will cool off and cause problems for someone.


    2. As Epsom Salts are also used as a household cleaner if you use the oil with the salts in warm water you should find it cleans fine….. and remember most soap is made from a chemical compound of oil and caustic soda


  22. I have been having milk,honey and oat bath for years. I actually put the oats in the bath and use it to scrub my skin. Soaking for half hour in this mix, my skin is so soft and replenished.


  23. This is amazing! Thank you so much!!


  24. I just tried jello bath, my skin feels nicer and smells great. Thanks!


  25. I’m so happy I found this site! I usually use Epsom with essential oils but had no salt so I was a little desperate! I’m one who splurges on my pre-made bath things. Also, I’m a tea lover so I tried honey, green tea and lemon essential oil. I feel so happy! Thanks for making this list 🙂 I’ll be trying out other combos in the future.


  26. I just tried the baking soda and olive oil bath. I jumped in while the bath water was running and all the oil was floating on the top. It totally coated my legs and then the rest of me as I soaked hoping that more water would reduce the amount of oil stuck to me. I ended up taking a hot shower after my bath to scrub off a little of the oil with an oil removing soap. The bathtub is totally slick with oil too. Not sure how i did it wrong. I filled the tub up (just over half way) and used the smaller amount of both ingredients. But I will say now that I’m less oily and dry… the amount of oil my body absorbed – it feels great! I will try it again sometime with less oil. I want to try the honey and the cinnamon and the oatmeal but don’t have the right kind or amounts yet. look forward to it!


  27. Thanks a lot for the tips. My skin is so extra dry right now its not even funny! I used oatmeal olive oil epsom salt milk and honey. I finally have some peace. Thanks


  28. Just put some cinnamon sticks in my bath. I broke out in a painful itchy rash….


  29. It’s not on your list but you should try wine! It has awesome revitalizing and healing properties. I had a cut on my leg that was noticeably healed after a wine bath, and my skin was baby soft!


  30. Used honey & oil 6+ years samre pipes no trouble


  31. I highly recommend a sensual pickle juice and ketchup bath! It absolutely leaves your skin sultry and elegant. If you want to spice things up a bit; add a whole jalapeño finely minced for added skin benefits! This home remedy is truly over-the-top! Works wonders!


    1. I did green tea and cinnamon it worked sooo good can’t wait to try a jello bath ?


  32. I’m going to try green tea and cinnamon right now. Need to get rid of this darn cold somehow!


  33. I used green tea, olive oil, and honey 😉


  34. Every morning I make myself a bulletproof coffee, coconut oil, cayenne and Black pepper, cinnamon, ginger and turmeric with a dash of honey so it seemed fitting I do something similar for the bath. Epsom and Himalayan Salt, Vinegar, Oliver Oil, Oregano Oil, tea tree and soaked for 30 minutes, my skin feels so soft and silky and my Eczema feels as though it is non existent. What more would you like me to add?


  35. Holy smokes… never knew I could use these items I have in my cabinets, to soak in the tub. Heck yeah I’m trying! Sorry kiddo mommy is in need of this here jello! 😉


  36. Just made a bath with organic green tea, raw honey, raw/unfiltered ACV, organic coconut oil, epsom salt, lavender essential oil, and baking soda. Cannot describe how incredible I look and feel right now. (=


  37. am i going to add all this in one bath?


  38. Did a tea, Epsom salt, baking soda and cinnamon bath. I also cut a old pair off nylon and put oatmeal in it and use it like a wash cloth. Feels great.


  39. Will expired jello work?


    1. I don’t see why not, better than eating it…=)


      1. Could I use cinnamon and Apple Cider Vinegar?


        1. I don’t see why not! Sounds great for Fall!


        2. I would never combine cinnamon & ACV. They are both strong items used for killing candida. Together, they could cause STRONG reaction. Be careful, even if you think you do not have this yeast infection. I never would have believed that I had this infection, but I have recently been diagnosed with it. In hindsight, I realize that this infection has been the cause of slight symptoms that I have had for over 20 years! At least 70 percent of Americans are affected by the largely unknown epidemic of candida overgrowth.


  40. Omg i feel amazing after my bath use the green tea,olive oil and lemon


  41. I’ll definitely be trying some of these soon. Perhaps jasmine essential oil and also The Body Shop’s pomegranate/raspberry essential oil too! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!


  42. My job is mentally & physically exhausting and stressful, so i will notice if there is a difference after a Green & Lemon Tea Bag bath. I’ll keep you posted with an honest reply 🙂 Thank you for these great tips !!!


  43. I’m going to try these!


  44. What would you recommend for someone who has really bad arthritis but can’t use Epsom salts because of her high blood pressure? Been searching for a good soak for her and I love your ideas. Thanks for your help!!


  45. What will happen if i mix bicarbonate of soda,honey,lavender essential oil,rosemarry essential oil,olive oil, green tea leaves and cinnamon. And then add the mixture to warm bath water?




  47. Someone mentioned oil clogging pipes. Won’t the jello thicken in the pipes and clog them because that’s how jello changes from powder to jello, with water?


  48. Don’t worry about the coconut oil “clogging” you. It melts at 76 °F. Your body should be at 98.6°F. I use coconut oil as a natural lotion and in my morning coffee. It’s great for both!
    I did find one person who said not to mix vinegar with baking soda. I don’t know why but it does bring up the question of chemistry so I suggest making a small sample brew in your sink to test your personal concoction. Happy soaking and healing.


  49. Sprained my ankle 6 days ago so I’m currently soaking in a baking soda and Epsom salt bath and I can tell you that the throbbing in my ankle has lessened considerably. I’m soo relaxed it’s taken me awhile to write this 😉 definitely going to try some if not all of the other “soul uplifting soaks” ..


  50. Pingback: Hailey Nothstine

  51. I would like to know more about healing salt and for Spiritually


  52. Could someone please guide me with which of these 12 bath ideas as combinations for two different types of problems? First I would love to know what would give the most benefit for severe back pain relief caused from injury and horrible stress knots with muscle spasms? Second what combinations would help relieve symptom’s that are caused from having multiple sclerosis. Such as joint pain, muscle pain and stiffness, fatigue, asking with collagen improvement for skin with dryness? Thanks so much, with a little guidence maybe I can finally fell some much needed relief!


  53. I’ve got a horrid head/chest cold, and was looking to see if any of my on-hand teas would be good. I happened across this page, and am now soaking in a epsom bath with Ginger & Lemon teabags. How lucky that the tea I really dislike drinking has the 2 ingredients I need right now! I’m sure actual lemons & ginger would be better, but not going to the store right now trumps all. I feel better already, my muscles are so so relaxed. My cold isn’t immediately better, but that would take a miracle. I’m definitely printing this out for future reference, as I have JUST discovered the benefits of (epsom, specifically) bath soaks. Thanks for the information!! 🙂


    1. That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing your results!!


  54. Do not sit in a honey bath if you have a vagin*. You’ll get a yeast infection.


  55. thank you so much for this….I have tried two..baking soda bathe..lavender… refreshing


  56. Can i use add ginger and lemon juice in bath water at same time?


  57. Can you put cranberry juice or cranberry’s in your bath?


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12 Surprising Things to Add to Your Bath [DIY Bath Recipes] - Picklee (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.